Affilited to University of Madras

Co-Educational Institution

Rules & Regulations


1. Rules and Regulations are strictly enforced by the authorities. Rules are strictly forbidden in the college. Any violation of these rules will result in dismissal of the student from the College.

2. Ragging is a criminal offence and is strictly prohibited. As per the ordinance promulgated by the Government, the punishment is imprisonment and a heavy fine. It covers not only those who involve in ragging but also who propagate it. Any student convicted of an offence under Ragging Act, 1997 shall be dismissed from the college and such students shall not be admitted in any other educational institution.

3. Students should adhere to formal dress code. T-shirts and Jeans are not allowed. Students should attend practical classes in their respective uniforms.

4. Students are instructed to wear the identity card daily.

5. Loitering or gathering in groups anywhere within the College campus is strictly prohibited.

6. Any student whose conduct is considered to be detrimental to the smooth functioning of the college is liable for disciplinary action.

7. Smoking or drinking or use of any other narcotic substance in the college premises will lead to the dismissal of the student.

8. Any damage done to the property of the college is a serious offence. Writing on walls or doors or furniture is a punishable offence. Offenders will have to pay for any damage caused by them.

9. Malpractices such as cheating or copying in tests and university exams will be dealt severely and may lead to dismissal of the student.

10. Students should read the circulars posted by the authorities from time to time and strictly adhere to the instructions mentioned therein.

11. Students should pay their tution fee in the beginning of the semester i.e. June and December without fail. Name of the defaulters will be removed from the college name roll. Then they have to seek readmission only.

12. Students are forbidden to organize any kind of meeting in the college or to collect money for any purpose without permission from the authorities.

13. No student shall participate in such activities which will discredit the institution or impede its progress either from within or outside the college


1.All students are expected to be in their seats in the classrooms before 9.00 A.M.

2.75% attendance is COMPULSORY for writing the university examinations. Those who secure below 50% attendance have to repeat the semester and will not be permitted to appear for semester examinations during the current year.

3.Punctuality is a MUST and habitual late coming is punishable.

4.A late attendance register will be maintained in the college and students have to sign the late attendance register whenever they are late. If a student exceeds 5 days of late coming in a month, he will be marked absent for one day in the month.

5.The College expects 100% ATTENDANCE from all students.

6.Students shall not absent themselves from classes without proper leave letter attested by parent.

7.Hourly attendance will be taken every day.

8.If a student is absent for 1st hour in morning / afternoon, he / she will be marked absent for 2hrs.

9.Absentees for two or more consecutive days on account of illness should produce medical certificate to the Principal through the concerned Head of the Department.

10.Names of such students who are continuously absent from classes for more than a month without prior intimation to the Principal, will be removed from the attendance name rolls of the College.