In today's world, a Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) degree is the foundation of computer science. We standard this course in the academic year 2018-2019. Admission to the BCA program is a three-year curriculum. Students interested in computer science, software engineering, information technology, networking technology and information security should pursue this degree.
The Department provides students a solid foundation in computer science. Equip students with extraordinary problem-solving, communication and leadership abilities. Encourage a general awareness of the discipline requirements. Teach the students how to solve difficulties in the actual world with expertise.
In BCA, programming is one of the main skills taught. In order to create software, students study a variety of programming languages, including Python, Java, C and C++. A variety of programming paradigms, including object-oriented, functional and event-driven programming, are also covered.
BCA syllabus includes statistics, computer applications, software, hardware, etc. The core subjects of BCA are computer graphics and animation, computer networks, operating systems, database management systems, programming in Java, etc.
Since BCA is a skill-oriented program, graduates find it simpler to find employment than those who pursue only academic programs like B.Sc. or B.Com. For BCA graduates, there are rewarding employment options in both the public and private sectors. Thus, if you're wondering what to do after earning a BCA, these are some of the positions that fall under that category:
Eligibility: +2 pass with Computer Science/ Maths / Business Maths / Statistics / Accounts with Computer Applications or its equivalent recognized by Madras University.
Data Mining, Data Science, DBMS, Computer Networks, AI, Java Programming, etc.
Java Programming, IOT, Python, C++, Web Design, RDBMS.
RDBMS, Java Programming
Web Design Development, IOT, Python, C++
E.Leena Sharon